Echomax Active-XS-Dual Band Radar Target Enhancer

State of the Art Echomax Active-XS-Dual Band Radar Target Enhancer with minuscule current draw of 23mA on stand by and very high X and S band response many times the new ISO 8729-2 standard. Unique visual facility to identify S or X Band Radar paints. Quadruple alarm facility as standard.
The Active-XS amplifies and returns a stronger signal and these high responses to both X or S Band Radar increase the likelihood of improving your vessels radar cross section and helps to alert oncoming vessels of your position and detection especially in poor conditions and thereby reduces the risk of collision.
Active RTE are increasingly being used on navigation buoys and their estimated power consumption can be seen using this link. Non use of the control box saves 10mA of power.
The Active XS has FCC Approval ID: XZMACTIVE-XS – NATO stock number 5841-99-269-3512
- Reception frequency: X Band Radar 9.3 – 9.5 GHz
- S Band Radar 2.9 – 3.1 GHz
- Operating Temperature: – 20 to + 60 degrees C
- Voltage: 12V DC – + 30% -10% (voltage surge and cross polarity protected)
- Current consumption 23mA in quiescent state:
- Current consumption X Band Radar 190mA when transmitting S Band Radar 155mA
- Position accuracy: Within 1 metre
- EIRP: 1W (typically)
- Antenna length: 685mm
- Antenna width: 40.5mm
- Antenna weight ex cable: 573 gms
- Control Box width: 92mm
- Control Box height: 51 mm
- Control Box depth: 38mm
- Control box weight: 99gms
- Cable length: 24m 3 core 0.5mm2
- Cable weight: 967 gms
State of the art Echomax Active-X-Band Radar Target Enhancer

The Active X has FCC Approved ID: XZMACTIVE-X – NATO stock number 5840 99 904 3941
State of the art Echomax Active-X-Band Radar Target Enhancer receives a signal from transmitting radar, amplifies and returns a stronger signal. This increases the likelihood of detection reducing the risk of collision and helps to alert oncoming vessels of your position.
Active RTE are increasingly being used on navigation buoys and their estimated power consumption can be seen using this link. Non use of the control box saves 10mA of power.
- Reception frequency: X band 9.32 – 9.5 GHz
- Operating Temperature: -20 to +60 degrees C
- Voltage: 12V DC – +30%-10% (voltage surge and cross polarity protected)
- Stand by current consumption: 15mA
- Position accuracy: Within 1 meter
- 5 interrogating radar 23mA
- 10 32mA
- EIRP: 1W
- Dimensions
- Antenna length: 478 mm
- Antenna width: 40.5 mm
- Antenna weight: 327 gms excluding cable
- Cable length: 24M 2 core 0.5mm2
- Cable weight: 969 gms
- Performance Response
- Zero degrees: 111.36M2
- +/-10 degrees of heel: 78.96M2
- +/-20 degrees of heel: 20.80M2